
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Don Welsh: The Future of Destinations International
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
We are coming up on four years since Don Welsh was named the CEO of the organization today known as Destinations International. In that time, the organization has increased member outreach, professional development options and industry advocacy efforts. In this episode of DMOU, we sit down with Don to discuss what's next...from the revolutionary new joint partnership with Simpleview to create the all new MINT+ meetings database to new services and offerings for small to medium DMOs. If you're a DMO and not a member of Destinations International (or even if you are), this episode is for you.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Monica Smith: Achieving Success on Capitol Hill...and at Home
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
While most in the Destination Marketing sector signed up because we loved Sales, Marketing and our communities, being adept at politics is becoming more important with each passing year. Monica Smith, CEO of the Southeast Tourism Society, joins DMOU to share her experiences in communicating the value of Destination Marketing and the Visitor Economy to elected leaders...from the nation's Capital to back home in Georgia. In this episode, you'll gain common sense insights into working with legislative leaders (and members of their staff), finding common ground on which you can agree and why taking your message to Capitol Hill is such a powerful move.

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Julie Saupe: Developing a Sensational Organizational Culture
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
In our work with DMOs throughout the Americas, we rarely experience the organizational culture we experienced in our work with Visit Anchorage. So naturally, we needed to understand how this Team was so different. On this episode of DMOU, Visit Anchorage CEO Julie Saupe shares what she believes to be the "secret sauce" behind the staff culture over which she presides. From recognizing staff for the little things to breaking from conventional wisdom on being cool with staff working remotely, Julie suggests some interesting thoughts on way to cultivate a staff culture that rocks. Plus, in the Bonus Round, you'll hear her experience in watering the roof of her first DMO.

Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Mike Gamble: The DNA of Tommorow's Destination Leaders
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Over the past two decades, Searchwide Global's Mike Gamble has seen a significant evolution in what communities and their DMOs expect from their next leaders. On this edition of DMOU, Mike shares the changes he's seen from Board Search Committees over the years and offers suggestions for how DMO pros who are looking for that next opportunity can build their magnetism. Kick off the new year with sage advice from the man that has placed more DMO CEOs than anyone else.

Monday Dec 16, 2019
John Lambeth: Tourism Improvement Districts
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
As the pressure builds on public sector investment into Destination Marketing, smart DMOs are looking for alternative revenue streams...and the most successful strategy for over 200 communities has been establishing Tourism Improvement Districts. On this episode of DMOU, we catch up with the man who has had a hand in virtually all of them, John Lambeth of Civitas. In this wide ranging conversation, John shares the genesis of the concept, how DMOs can begin down the path and some exciting news regarding how the Improvement District movement is seeing expansion to other sectors of the hospitality industry. This is a "must-listen" for anyone concerned with the future viability of DMOs.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Jennifer Wesselhoff: Transitioning to Sustainabilty
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
When a community pushes back on the industry that is its lifeblood, what is a DMO to do? Jennifer Wesselhoff of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce sits in on this episode of DMOU to share the story of how a DMO that thought it was being responsive to its community found itself using all the wrong measures and all the wrong words. Today, the Chamber is at the vanguard of global sustainability, heralded as a model for international DMOs. Jennifer's story is both compelling and inspirational for all Destination Marketing leaders.

Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Jason Fulvi & Craig Davis: Preparing for the Big Chair
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
What does it take to make the jump to the Big Chair? Two former Number Twos share their experiences as Visit Pittsburgh CEO Craig Davis and Visit KC CEO Jason Fulvi join us for this episode of DMOU. From the importance of mentorship to volunteer engagement in Destinations International, this dynamic duo of DMO Leaders discuss their respective paths to CEO…as well as learning to fly and making the perfect margarita.

Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Cleo Battle: Successfully Mitigating the Loss of a Convention Center
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
While those of us with Convention Centers always dream of upgrades and expansions...what if that renovation meant your primary asset would go dark for two years? In this edition of DMOU, we hang with Louisville Tourism COO Cleo Battle, who shares that the loss of their Convention Center actually made their DMO better. You'll hear how they adapted their team and approach in response to the closure and how they've evolved into a much more effective agency.

Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
DMOs have been marketing to meeting planners for years and the opportunity to innovate their approach is huge. Digital Edge, headed by Mya Surrency and Shirley Smith, helps DMOs use tactics to appeal to meeting planners in new and different ways. Mya joins DMOU to discuss a recently developed program focusing on creating partnerships with local economic development offices to develop more targeted group business and create more alliances in-market.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
George Tzougros: The Power of the Arts in Place Making
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
There are few destination assets as powerful as the Arts in helping to define and magnetize a community...and, for more than just Tourism. George Tzougros (co-founder of the National Creativity Network and Executive Director of the Wisconsin Arts Board) joins DMOU for a wide-ranging discussion of how DMOs can more effectively promote and nurture the creative artists and initiatives that exist all around us. You'll also come away with a deeper understanding of how the Arts can create a powerful platform for community development.

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Jack Johnson: Destination Marketing as a Community Shared Value
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Destination Marketing has never been more politicized…but recent budget attacks have actually indicated a path forward in the way we communicate the value of what we do. Destination International’s Jack Johnson shares the research behind the new lexicon that DMO pros will need to employ to establish Destination Marketing as a Community Shared Value. You’ll also hear Jack’s take on refining our message from one of logic and fact to one utilizing emotion in order to capture the imagination and support of residents and community leaders.
And, to see Jack's presentation on the subject from this year's Annual Convention of Destinations International, click HERE.

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Julie Pingston: Developing a Sensory Sensitive Destination
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
DMOs often talk about making their destinations “Visitor Ready,” but what about those prospective visitors that are unable to experience our communities due to sensory or developmental issues? On this edition of DMOU, the Greater Lansing MI’s Julie Pingston walks us through how a sensory-friendly theatrical performance of “The Lion King” led to a complete re-thinking of how the Organization would reach out to this previously under-served market. And, you’ll learn how they have engaged over 850 individuals in the community to be trained to assist these individuals.

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Greg DeShields: The Power of PHL Diversity
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Targeting Multi-Cultural Meetings and Conventions is nothing new. Destinations like Chicago began addressing this lucrative market over 40 years ago. But, PHL Diversity, a division of the Philadelphia CVB, has taken its work in the space 360 by dedicating their efforts to also ensure that the Multi-Cultural community is visitor ready. PHL Diversity’s Greg DeShields shares the story of how his agency engages Philadelphia’s Multi-Cultural partners to ensure that they benefit from the visitor economy while connecting event planners to authentic experiences while in market.

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
John Groh: Evolving Beyond Just Destination Marketing
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
As the philosophical discussion of whether the "M" in DMO stands for "Marketing" or "Management" (or both) continues in many quarters, the Rockford Area (IL) CVB has blazed its own path over the past decade by focusing on what's best for the community. RACVB CEO John Groh guests on this edition of DMOU with his thoughts on how a "Citizens First" mantra has lifted Rockford's image of itself and for others. You'll also hear why having exceptional video assets at the ready offered the RACVB the opportunity to punch back when Forbes dissed the city...and about one of the most interesting internships one could imagine.

Monday Aug 12, 2019
Katie Cook: Next-Gen Trends in Digital Destination Marketing
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
What keeps one of the top Digital Marketers in the DMO space up at night? Visit Austin’s Katie Cook shares her thoughts on the new expectations regrading attribution, new tracking tools that enable smarter marketing decisions (as well as destination development advocacy) and what’s around the next corner (both exciting and potentially disturbing). Plus...a brief travelogue from an island destination you've likely never visited.

Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Bill Baker: The New Imperative of Place Branding
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Bill Baker’s latest book is called “Place Branding for Small Cities, Regions & Downtowns.” We recently caught up with Bill to learn more about the new book and, more importantly, where he sees the future of Place Branding taking us all. Armed with several case studies to drive home his philosophies, Bill suggests that destination logos may well be giving way to font type to represent a brand…and several other game-changing concepts. Oh yeah...and there's a story about bagpipes and a kilt in there, too.

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Deb Archer: No Fear Advocacy
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
When Destination Madison publicly endorsed an ambitious lakefront hotel project a decade ago, the push-back was as unexpected as it was swift. While a scaled back version of the project eventually came to fruition, CEO Deb Archer took steps to ensure that the organization would never be in that position again. In this episode of DMOU, Deb recounts the process and shares how her DMO developed a “Decision Matrix” tool that vets every project or legislative initiative that comes before it. You’ll also learn how a Destination Madison-sponsored public art project impacted the community in multiple ways.

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Spero Batistatos: A DMO that Markets to Future Residents
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Longwoods International's "Halo Effect" study proved there was a direct correlation between tourism marketing and an increased interest to move to a destination. The South Shore Convention & Visitors Authority took that concept to its ultimate expression by partnering with other community development entities to launch a "Grass is Greener" campaign to attract Illinois residents to move to Indiana. CEO Spero Batistatos shares the evolution and execution in this episode of DMOU...plus a few other gems.
To see the "Grass is Greener" campaign, click HERE

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Linda John: The NextGen Visitors Center
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Is the Visitor Information Center still viable? In this episode of DMOU, we meet Linda John, the CEO of Visit Eau Claire WI. She shuttered her Visitor Center a decade ago, believing them to be passe. She moved to a mobile Visitors Center, which she has just sold. Today, she is back to welcoming the world to a new physical Visitors Center...with an entirely new philosophy.
Check out this walk-through video...and hear the background on this edition of DMOU.

Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Amir Eylon: Getting Inside the Minds of Consumers & Residents Alike
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Longwoods International changed the way many understand the impact of Destination Marketing on Economic Development with its "Halo Effect" study. The research consultancy now is changing how the industry views and interacts with residents. In this episode of DMOU, we talk with Longwoods CEO Amir Eylon for a deeper dive into these new tools...and more.
For background on "The Halo Effect," click HERE. For the new "Resident Sentiment Survey," HERE.